Muscle mass in our body helps control blood sugar level & fat accumulation, obesity?!


Yes Muscle mass in our body helps control blood sugar level & fat accumulation, obesity.

Now let’s understand how blood sugar level management works.

Insulin is peptide hormone that is necessary to move glucose out of blood stream to cells for usage.

And 80%+ of glucose disposal happens in skeleton muscles.

Insulin resistance starts in Skeleton muscles. As when insulin transports glucose to skeleton muscles and it does not have space to store it or does not have activity to utilize it then this glucose is released back in blood stream. And that’s how diabetes and other metabolic diseases occur. Also lesser muscle mass means lesser utilization of calories and over storage causing fat accumulation & obesity.

Normally if you eat a high caloric meal then you are bound to have blood sugar level spike & contribution to obesity. But if you take a brisk walk or do few steps climbing up & down or any activity to keep your skeletal muscles engage then you can bring down the blood sugar spike easily. Also can avoid fat accumulation & obesity.

So Dr. Gabrielle  Lyon claims “Obesity is a disease of skeletal muscles or of lack of skeletal muscles.

She claims fat is a symptom of impaired muscles.”

To know more about the same check our video on Saturday

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