Feel confident to book your appointment with your Wellness partner …

Your Safety is our priority…
Breaking the chain is our duty …
*doing everything possible for that is our conscious choice. *

We are working at full capacity and taking clients only by appointment…

  • Footwear is not allowed inside the clinic.
  • Hand sanitizer use is compulsory.
  • Temperature and Oxygen saturation level is checked at reception as soon as anyone enters.
  • Masks are compulsory all the time for everyone on premises including staff.
  • Handsanitizers are mounted in all rooms and corridors.
  • All machines, beds and equipments are cleaned with alcohol based liquid cleaner after each and every use.
  • Our staff wears mask, gloves and gowns while performing the treatment.

We are ‘Open’ and here to serve you!
So feel confident to book your appointment with your Wellness partner ‘Rejoice wellness’.

We are more than happy to help you achieve your health goals.

Call us on 9821127452/ 022-26112200

We will also provide you soft copy of ‘appointment letter’ which will make your travel to the clinic seamless.