Oats Ladoos for Ganpati Festival

Oats Ladoos for Ganpati Festival

• Instant Oats – 1 cup
• Peanuts- 1 cup
• Seedless dates – 1/2 cup
• Ghee / Clarified Butter- 1 tsp
Dry roast oats in low to medium heat until light brown.
Dry roast the peanuts till light brown. Cool completely and remove the husk.
Transfer the oats and peanuts to a blender and make a fine powder.
Add the seedless dates to the oats peanut mixture and grind again.
Transfer the mixture into a large bowl.
Warm the Ghee / Clarified butter a little.
Add the melted ghee and mix well.
Take small amount of the mixture and form ladoos.
Store in air tight container. Keeps well for up to ten days.