World Leprosy Day


Leprosy Disease is a chronic, curable infectious disease mainly causing skin lesions and nerve damage.
Leprosy is caused by infection with the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae. It mainly affects the skin, eyes, nose and peripheral nerves.

World Leprosy Day is observed every year on the last Sunday of January. In India, it is observed on 30th January every year.
The aim of observing the World Leprosy Day is to create awareness against the stigma attached to the disease, by making the general community aware that it is a disease spread by a type of bacteria and it can be easily cured.
The theme of World Leprosy Day 2023 is “Act Now. End Leprosy.”
This year’s theme calls attention to three key messages:

  • Elimination is possible
  • Act now
  • Reach the unreached

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