World Malaria Day

World Malaria Day is celebrated annually on April 25 to spread awareness about this disease.
This day is to raise awareness of the global effort to control and ultimately eradicate malaria.
It was instituted by WHO Member States during the World Health Assembly of 2007.
The purpose of Malaria Elimination Research Alliance (MERA) India is to identify, articulate, prioritize and respond to the research needs of the country in a coordinated way to eliminate malaria from India by 2030.
Malaria is commonly seen during rainy season when mosquitoes grow rampant. In few Tropical countries where there is rain throughout the year the malaria infection is also common throughout the year.
And rains are just round the corner so it’s the best time to create awareness about Malaria.
Malaria is a disease caused by a Malaria parasite.
The parasite is spread to humans through the bites of infected mosquitoes.
People who are suffering with malaria usually feel very sick with a high fever and shaking chills.
While the disease is uncommon in temperate climates, malaria is still common in tropical and subtropical countries.
➡️Apply mosquito repellent with DEET (diethyltoluamide) to exposed skin.
➡️Drape mosquito netting over beds.
Put screens on windows and doors. To prevent entry of mosquitoes.
➡️Treat clothing, mosquito nets, tents, sleeping bags and other fabrics with an insect repellent called permethrin.
➡️Wear long pants and long sleeves to cover your skin.
➡️Make sure there is no stagnant water in your house, locality or surrounding area which can be breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
➡️If anyone gets Malaria infection then start medication immediately to prevent any complications and further spread of Malaria through mosquitoes.
Be prepared to fight Malaria beforehand. Together we can eradicate Malaria globally.