भारतीय रुढी परंपरांच्या पाठचे शास्त्रिय कारण : episode 3: ‘कान टोचणे किंवा कानातले घालणे’
Welcome to episode 3 of series “Science behind Indian traditions”…
Ear piercing & Earrings are part of our daily routine… now a days even boys have started wearing ear studs… But do you know “Why?”
Let’s find out science behind this tradition!
Most of our Indian traditions have scientific reasons behind them; for easier understanding of masses in old times these traditions were mentioned to be religious practices or given under pretext of pleasing God & Goddesses. But India was very advanced in terms of science, mathematics & inventions centuries ago and all these traditions were designed to help people live healthier life.
Every week we will try and bring this scientific reason behind 1 Indian tradition in front of you. Let’s know our traditions in new light of science!