Chia Cucumber Raita

If you are looking to get rid of extra fat, try adding chia seeds and yoghurt to your diet. ????

In fact, here is a simple breakfast recipe that is healthy and delicious at the same time and can help you achieve your weight loss goal too.

Chia Cucumber Raita

Chia Cucumber Raita

Ingredients ⏬️

1/2 cup low fat curd

100g Cucumber

2 tbsp soaked chia seeds

Coriander leaves

Green chilli

Roasted cumin powder

Salt to taste

Black salt to taste

How its made ⏬️

▫️In a bowl add curd, grated cucumber, soaked chia seeds, coriander leaves, finely chopped green chilies, roasted cumin powder, salt and black salt to taste

Mix all the ingredients well

Yippeee yummy and healthy raita is ready to be consumed with chillas or any patties.

Follow Rejoice Wellness for more such recipes ????