Sattu Protein-Shake

This Holi forget Bhang, Thandai…

Drink this ‘Sattu Protein-Shake and get energized to enjoy the festival of colors even better…

This tasty Protein-Shake does not contain any chemicals, preservatives, artificial flavors but gives amazing results. This shake even helps during weight loss process.

Sattu Protein-Shake


  • 40 grams channa [Chickpeas], dry rosted
  • 1 cup Makhana, dry roasted
  • 1 glass milk, chilled
  • 2 Elaichi Banana
  • 2 soaked figs
  • 3 dates
  • 5 Almonds, cut in small peices


  • Add roasted channa to mixture grinder and turn it into fine powder.
  • Add Roasted makhana to mixture grinder and turn it into fine powder.
  • Add channa powder, makhana powder, bananas, soaked figs and dates to 1 glass milk
  • Now make a smoothie in mixture grinder.
  • Pour the mixture in a drinking jar.
  • Add cut almonds from the top.
  • Tadaah… Sattu Pretein-Shake is ready to be served.